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Why Your Charity Should Use An Outside Bookkeeper

Why Charities Should Use An Outside Bookkeeper

This guest blog was written by James Thomson, CEO and President of New Path Foundation 

Charities do great things for people and communities and are an important part of our society. New Path Foundation is one such charity doing great work by providing assistance to organizations through a shared space model as well as supporting its service partner, New Path Youth and Family Services, to provide a wide range of mental health services to children, youth, and their families in Simcoe County. Read more

Sales Are Good. Where’s the Profit?

Do you ever feel like your business is leaking money somewhere? Your sales are good, but something just doesn’t seem to add up on the spreadsheet.
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Why Hire a Bookkeeper

They say that entrepreneurs are the only people crazy enough to work an 80 hour week to avoid a 9-to-5 job. And only crazy entrepreneurs waste those hours doing their own bookkeeping.
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