
Conferences: The Many Returns on Investment

By Jennifer Dolmage – Bookkeeper at Mason Miller Accounting & Taxation


Conferences might seem like the professional equivalent of a field trip mixed with a dash of a holiday getaway, at a price tag that can seem somewhat steep. 

The time and money you invest in having your staff attend a conference, however, often yields dividends far beyond the time to escape the office. Conferences pay an incredible return on investment. 

I attended an industry conference with Kim (1 of the 2 partners at our firm), where we quickly discovered and experienced several dividends. 

The first is the most obvious: It’s rejuvenating. It renews your enthusiasm and gives you the energy to face what awaits at the office. Why? As industry speakers share their stories, they make you and your team feel better equipped to better serve your clients. 

In our industry, conferences are where we learn about new products and software – and this learning goes beyond reading about it. As well as case studies from industry leaders, conferences include trade fairs – demonstrations and product trials – and discussions. 

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