Why Running Our Own Small Business Allows Us to Help You Better
Lets Get Started
Why Running Our Own Small Business Allows Us to Help You Better
The following blog was adapted from the video “Why Running Our Own Small Business Allows Us to Help You Better”
Let’s start with a moment of truth.
Heather Mason never envisioned running her own small business. It was the need for a job that started her down the path to open an accounting firm.
Kim Miller always envisioned being an entrepreneur and had been for 6 years before she and Heather aligned and merged.
The partnership of these two fantastic women and the growth of Mason Miller has had its ups and downs, but in the end, they have built a strong and successful small business.
At Mason Miller, our own small business journey has taught us so much and we truly believe that this knowledge makes us a better partner to help other small businesses, whether just starting out, navigating difficult times, or perhaps even planning for retirement or sale.
Watch Heather’s interview as she talks about why running Mason Miller as a small business allows us to help our small business customers better:
6 ways Mason Miller’s own small business experience allows us to help you better:
The power of people
We know that having a great team of people around you can help you reach your goals. Not only your actual employees but also clients, vendors, mentors and friends. Surround yourself with people who believe in your goals, root you on, impart knowledge and wisdom, or simply be a sounding board for ideas.
We believe in systems
It seems simple, implement systems, understand what works, and repeat. One thing that we found difficult was that we grew too fast and found ourselves morphing out of control. While logic would be to focus on the work that needed to get out of the office and not the systems, the opposite is true. Spending the time developing the systems and in turn, improving productivity and increasing the workflow is where we see many small businesses
Goals, goals, goals
“Before we knew it, we were spending all of our time working IN our business and not working ON our business.” – Heather Mason
Although we have been in business together for 4 years, we still, on a yearly basis, sit down and set yearly goals and objectives for our business. Then we align our systems with our goals. Our goals allow us to maintain the vision of our big picture. The systems and strategies provide us with the day to day balance and momentum. It’s easy for small businesses to get lost in the daily grind and forget about the big picture.
The need for balance
This is so important and something that often gets overlooked. We recognize the need for work/life balance for our team and ourselves. Without balance we lose focus and momentum.
How to embrace fear
We understand fear, we’ve faced similar fears ourselves. We believe and accept that fear will always exist in some shape or form. We have learned that continuing to align our goals with systems, balance and focus means that we will continue to grow and evolve. When the fears come, they will arrive with less intensity, take less energy away, and pass more quickly.
Our Passion
The bottom line is that we truly have a passion for what we do and we love to share our strengths, skills, and experience with our customers.
“Although the challenges (of running a small business) are difficult, I feel that if I didn’t experience those challenges, I wouldn’t be where I am now.” – Heather Mason
It is an honour and a privilege to provide services for other small businesses in what is both our field of expertise and our passion. We embrace the opportunities to learn insights into the crafts and services provided by other small businesses while providing support with systems, processes and compliance (to name a few!).
We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your business and take a look at your bigger picture. Let’s chat!
To book a consultation contact us today by calling 705-417-1588 or info@masonmiller.ca.
Thrive, Succeed, Grow, Repeat.