Face Your Financials
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Face Your Financials
Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to See Your Accountant
The following blog was adapted from the video “Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to See Your Accountant”
We all procrastinate those tasks that we hate. We usually hate the task because we lack the comprehension or the skill set required to feel good about completing the task. Procrastinating almost never makes the task go away, instead, it usually makes the task more difficult as deadlines and goals are missed and stress levels are heightened.
That’s why we want to talk today about why you shouldn’t procrastinate about coming in to see us for your accounting, bookkeeping or consulting needs, because we get it, talking about the nitty-gritty of your business’s financials IS sometimes scary. But in the end, having a better understanding of your bottom line will lead you down the right path to success.
Why You’re Scared
We understand that there may be a struggle to make the commitment to come in and talk to us (…because we are repeatedly told!). Maybe you have thought about it and have filed the initial contact on the backburner for a long time because you’re scared.
You’re scared to come in.
You’re scared of the unknown.
You’re scared of what we may uncover.
You’re scared that you’ve waited too long.
You’re scared to talk about failures.
You’re scared of the cost.
We’ve seen it all
We just want to encourage everyone that we’ve seen a lot. We’ve seen probably worse situations than what you think yours is. Every situation has unique challenges, difficulties and fears and in this day in age, we spend too much time comparing ourselves to others and creating doubt.
Fear not – we have a lot of experience and we absolutely, positively, do not judge. We understand that the fact that the love we have for what we do is unique and that the vast majority of the population HATE what we love – Numbers!
“The sooner that you come in and talk to us and let us help you, the quicker you can relieve some of the stress that’s weighing you down and probably preventing you from doing a great job at what you are good at.” – Heather Mason
You’re Overwhelmed
Your situation might feel really overwhelming and you don’t even really know where to start. You don’t know how to come in because you don’t know what to say. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know if you’re going to be in trouble. Bookkeeping, financial reporting, payroll, government remittances, working with CRA, budgeting, preparing income tax returns, this is what we do every single day. We have the tools to sift through what you’re afraid of and what we can do to mitigate any things that have already been going on.
You Think It’s Expensive
Before making the assumption that you cannot afford our services we recommend that you explore your options. We offer a free initial consultation because we understand the importance and simplicity of just talking about your situation. In most cases, the situation is not nearly as bad as envisioned and professional insight and guidance can be easily and efficiently managed. In other situations, the fee for service will be far less than some of the things that we will uncover that will save you money in the long run.
Relax. We’ve got this.
Knowing and understanding your options is a big step in the right direction. Having a plan, whether or not it includes Mason Miller is key. Having a plan that aligns with your goals will be beneficial to long term success. Just as everyone and every situation are unique, every solution is unique in its own right.
Let us support you by doing what we do well, leaving you to grow your business, that you do well.
To book your consultation contact us today by calling 705-417-1588 or info@masonmiller.ca.